Innovate at Process (SYSTEM / SUB-SYSTEM) level
Unless someone sees a big picture one can’t find opportunities to innovate. The starting point of an innovator journey is to learn the language of innovation (TRIZ level 1), model problems uniquely and develop product inventions. Now it is time to innovate on the process that makes the product. The Second step in the journey of Strategic innovator is to get a good handle on how to innovate at the process level and build sustainable innovations.
The methodology that we adopt is evolved 70 years back by decoding the smart moves of the most famous innovators across the world and summarized a structured method of problem solving.

Why TRIZ level 2 learning is required?
- The primary necessity of level 2 learning is to understand the language of innovation at PROCESS level. A process manufacture product. Can you decode a given manufacturing process, software algorithm or a service that demands innovation with inventions?
- Inventions happen as problems are solved. It is very important to understand how to identify the real problems that need to be solved. Do you have a clear list of problems that need to be solved with conflicts in PROCESS?
- In a manufacturing process or any other process, concept development is the key. Do you want to play innovation as a sport in PROCESS?
- With TRIZ level 1, one can model problems in 3 unique ways. But for faster problem solving more new ways of problem modeling is required. Can you model the problems in 4th new way?
- The biggest challenge to develop creative solutions is psychological inertia (PI). Unless one overcomes, it is impossible to generate creative ideas. Do you want to overcome PI in processes?

What would you learn in TRIZ level 2?
1. Language of innovation and define blueprint for your PROCESS (Manufacturing, Service, Algorithms, etc.,).
2. Identify key problems that needs solutions in PROCESSS.
3. Develop concepts like a Pro in PROCESS
4. Model problems in 4th unique way, Substance-Field Model.
- 5. Develop Hybrid Solutions with huge novelty for products. Overcome psychological inertia by modelling problems using 76 Standard Inventive Solutions. Identify secondary problems and solve them for practical application.

How you can leverage this learning to your growth
1. Solve problems along RISIR® and differentiate PROCESSES in 5 unique ways.
2. Adopt Sustainability innovation strategy by developing Hybrids.
Innovate at Process (SYSTEM / SUB-SYSTEM) level
Unless someone sees a big picture one can’t find opportunities to innovate. The starting point of an innovator journey is to learn the language of innovation (TRIZ level 1), model problems uniquely and develop product inventions. Now it is time to innovate on the process that makes the product. The Second step in the journey of Strategic innovator is to get a good handle on how to innovate at the process level and build sustainable innovations.
The methodology that we adopt is evolved 70 years back by decoding the smart moves of the most famous innovators across the world and summarized a structured method of problem solving.

Why TRIZ level 2 learning is required?
- The primary necessity of level 2 learning is to understand the language of innovation at PROCESS level. A process manufacture product. Can you decode a given manufacturing process, software algorithm or a service that demands innovation with inventions?
- Inventions happen as problems are solved. It is very important to understand how to identify the real problems that need to be solved. Do you have a clear list of problems that need to be solved with conflicts in PROCESS?
- In a manufacturing process or any other process, concept development is the key. Do you want to play innovation as a sport in PROCESS?
- With TRIZ level 1, one can model problems in 3 unique ways. But for faster problem solving more new ways of problem modeling is required. Can you model the problems in 4th new way?
- The biggest challenge to develop creative solutions is psychological inertia (PI). Unless one overcomes, it is impossible to generate creative ideas. Do you want to overcome PI in processes?

What would you learn in TRIZ level 2?
1. Language of innovation and define blueprint for your PROCESS (Manufacturing, Service, Algorithms, etc.,).
2. Identify key problems that needs solutions in PROCESSS.
3. Develop concepts like a Pro in PROCESS
4. Model problems in 4th unique way, Substance-Field Model.
- 5. Develop Hybrid Solutions with huge novelty for products. Overcome psychological inertia by modelling problems using 76 Standard Inventive Solutions. Identify secondary problems and solve them for practical application.

How you can leverage this learning to your growth
1. Solve problems along RISIR® and differentiate PROCESSES in 5 unique ways.
2. Adopt Sustainability innovation strategy by developing Hybrids.
Upcoming Open Workshops
July 22 - Aug 02, 2024
Online [10 modules each 4 hours]
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Get Certification from MATRIZ
MATRIZ, The International TRIZ Association provides world wide recognized TRIZ level 2. certificate by those who take their learning and pass the test from accredited CEM of MATRIZ.
TRIZ level 2 Practitioner
Lifelong validity of the certification, no need to renew

76 standard Inventive Solutions
The fundamental triad of functionality is between substances and field. With 76 Standard Inventive Solutions (SIS) learning, an inventor is empowered to model problems in any of the 76 SIS and quickly solve the problem based on the solution models recommended by TRIZ level 2 learning.
concept development for PROCESSES
Often concept development in processes is a challenging task and seldom do we see multiple unique concepts being developed. The powerful trimming rules of Technological process gives ample resources to simplify any existing process and make it quite novel.
A commonly known way of developing hybrids is to combine them. This is a very primitive way of development and many times the ground of obviousness pokes the patentability opportunity. What we really don’t need is the features, but the functionality of the features. This approach gives very powerful patentable subject matter and can be market winning products.
The power of TRIZ comes from using the algorithm to model problems uniquely starting with as a technical contradiction, Physical contradiction and Substance-Field Modelling. Once any tough problem that needs solution with very minimal changes to the system, the 4 models of solutions by themselves may not support. ARIZ flow gives the power to use the models of problem in a sequence of steps that helps to give a very quick solution using resources.
The most powerful tools that TRIZ provide is the Trends of Engineering System Evolution, TESE. These are proven trends that have been adopted by the best market winning products over decades of their evolution. The simplest representation of innovation can be shared as a ratio of benefits (numerator) over Penalties (denominator). These trends help to increase the numerator in multiple ways.
Mental models
As mentioned in level 1, the language of innovation is functionality. The definition of function changes totally from PRODUCT to PROCESS. Every PROCESS does a set of operations and thus the definition of function is classified as Productive, Providing and Corrective. Critical mental model is to look at functionality as the primary basis for innovation. Whenever cross discipline teams meet on a product innovation, the first starting point to innovate should start with functionality as the basis.
The fundamental triad of functionality is broken into 2 substances and a field interaction. The 5 sub classes break the 76 SIS into different classes that helps to model problems either to complete a triad, eliminate Harmful functions, reduce excessive functions, improvise insufficient functions, measurement, etc., Based on the model of the problem, one can quickly identify the class and adopt the right model of solution to develop a potential novel solution
Hybrid gives a unique advantage of existing solutions. The fastest way of building hybrid is to identify competing systems and identify their benefits and penalties that are complementary in nature, bring the benefits of both the systems and eliminate the penalties of both the systems.
The power of TRIZ is derived by growing a person’s capability to be resourceful. How would one find the resources in each system at a product of process level? This can be accomplished by thin slicing and adopting the earlier framework of 9 windows covered in TRIZ level 1.
External focus is always key towards identifying the potential competing systems. For example, if one wants to develop a hybrid solution to move a device, the other competing solutions can be by moving vertically with Lift, Escalator. It is critical to identify the benefits and penalties that are complementary in nature. The next step is to only bring the function of the competing system to your existing system.
The first step for process innovation is to question the status quo. For those who attended the TRIZ level 2 workshop with their understanding of functionality and Ideality, questioning the status quo in manufacturing process, algorithms or any services becomes a new normal
It is a critical need to develop solutions faster from where engineering can be done. With the TRIZ level 2 learning and adoption of Substance-Field Modelling using the 76 SIS, one can able to model a problem correctly and help develop new models of solutions. The speed to solve problems becomes no natural that often you see problem solving PRO’s groomed.
LEAN is very well known for process improvement and to increase through put. Typically, we use TIMWOOD as ways to identify waste (muda) and simplify. But this gives you only improvements and not inventions. When we use the TRIZ methods of Technology Process, we understand the PROCESS functionality and then adopt the trimming rules that help is simplify the process to its bare bones.
One of the key learning from Level 2 is to understand building an end-to-end process model based on the functionality. The level 1 learning gives the capability to formulate contradictions in space, whereas with TRIZ level 2 learning, one is empowered to identify and formulate contradictions is time domain. For example: the temperature has to be high to melt plastic and to flow AND the temperature has to be low for its further operation.
TRIZ level 1 learning enables multiple innovation strategies like incremental, radical and disruptive for a given product. With level 2, one learns to adopt a new innovation strategy “sustainability”. Using RISIR® framework, one can able to differentiate a product in 5 unique ways like: Reduce COST, Increase PERFORMANCE, Simplify, Increase RELIABILITY/SAFETY and Reduce Environmental HARM

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